The Rising Concerns Surrounding Youth Vaping


The modern-day sweet shop has undergone a transformation, bidding farewell to screw-top glass jars filled with gobstoppers and lemon sherbets that once enticed children to spend their pocket money. In their place now stand sleek,

Help With Addiction


The journey to sobriety is a winding road, and it’s often fraught with pitfalls and roadblocks. However, there’s help available that can make this journey not only easier but more successful. If you or a

Kratom: Miracle Cure or Public Health Threat?


Kratom stands out as a divisive landmark as you consider your options for treating your addiction. Originating in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia, Kratom has gained appeal around the world as a pain reliever

The Role Of Spirituality In Stress Management


Despite spirituality’s ethereal nature, it can bring serenity and calmness in the face of chaos. Your spiritual activities can be a calm oasis in the middle of the chaos that is life. The 12-step model’s

The Role Of Therapy In Cannabis Addiction Recovery


When a loved one grapples with cannabis addiction, it can be a disorienting experience, making you feel helpless and unsure of how to offer your support. You may be wondering if therapy can be a

Steroid Abuse: The Hidden Epidemic in High School Sports


Imagine being a spouse of a high school sports coach, an individual who influences the lives of young athletes day in, day out. Imagine your alarm when you discover the escalating trend of steroid abuse

Breaking The Stigma Of Cannabis Addiction Therapy


When it comes to cannabis addiction therapy, there are a couple of lesser-known aspects that often get overlooked in the larger discourse surrounding addiction and recovery: the potential therapeutic role of cannabis in some contexts

How To Find The Best Rehab Center In South Africa


Finding the best rehab center in South Africa for your addiction treatment needs can be a crucial step towards reclaiming your life from the grips of addiction. With numerous options available, it’s important to conduct

Empowering Those With Drug Addiction To Speak Out


From shame to strength, the journey of overcoming drug addiction can be a transformative and empowering process. Understanding addiction from the perspective of Gerald G. May, M.D. and incorporating an Eastern philosophical understanding, we can